Since May 01, 2007, the company has been managed by CEO Michael Eicher. His education and professional experience as a surveyor allows him to really understand the needs of our users at first hand, and his extensive programming skills ensure that he can also implement such requirements in the software and provide advice and guidance to the programming team.
The company founder and former CEO, Dr. Konrad Cremer, retired from the business at the end of 2011, but is still available in an advisory role with his wealth of ideas and considerable experience in the field.
Tobias Schudt has been a member of our team since January 2010, following his graduation from the Würzburg University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) in Germany. The university is where he first became acquainted with CAPLAN and he now works with programming as well as with the full range of customer support services; by telephone, e-mail, and in person on training courses and at trade fairs.
Werner Liebhart also has a degree in surveying and joined the company in August 2012, after working as a research assistent at the Technical University of Munich. He works with software development, support issues and training, and also helps represent the company at trade fairs.
Frank Andert is an IT graduate and has been with the company since August 2016. He works in particular with software development and also increasingly with support, training and appearances at trade fairs, as he expands his thematic knowledge about surveying.
Jochen Eisemann obtained a master's degree in geoinformatics and surveying from the Mainz University of Applied Sciences in 2018 and has been part of our team since December 2018. Following his initial introduction and training, his main areas of focus at the company are programming, support and customer contact at training sessions and trade fairs.
Heidi Eckstein joined the company in April 2020 as a replacement for Sonja Bachmeyer, who took well-deserved retirement at the end of June 2020. Ms. Eckstein has studied languages and therefore has no problem communicating with our international customers. The wide range of tasks for which she has responsibility also means that she will come into contact with all our customers. With her soft skills, she forms a good counterbalance to the technically-oriented staff at the company, thus creating a good mix in the office.
Nicholas Butler ist in England geboren, hat an der Universität Newcastle Geomatik studiert und lebt heute in der Nähe von Stockholm, wo er unsere Firma in den nordeuropäischen Ländern vertritt. Sein besonderer Verdienst ist die Übersetzung aller Texte ins Englische.
Ioan Costea is Spanish and studied surveying at the University of Jaén. After working as a surveyor in Germany for a number of years, he returned to Spain in 2016, and is responsible for the distribution of CAPLAN there. He also translates our programs and associated documentation into Spanish.